Special Education and Section 504 Plans

For questions, comments, or concerns regarding special education or Section 504 plans, please contact:

Dr. Creighton Helms

Director of Student Services and Federal Programs


(503) 792-3803 x4010


Strategy vs. Intervention vs. Accommodation vs. Modification Chart


Special education is a broad term for specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of students with special needs. Gervais School District is committed to educating all of our students, and we strive to meet their needs through classroom instruction, instruction in physical education or home instruction.

Special education staff also coordinate services that enable special needs students to access the instruction, including


  1. The Law. Gervais School District follows the legislation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA. IDEA is the federal law that assures that special needs students have access to an appropriate education.


  1. Who Qualifies? Students who qualify for special education services are those who demonstrate a significant developmental delay due to traumatic brain injury, orthopedic impairment, hearing impairment, communication disorders, emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, autism, visual impairment, or other health impairment.


  1. What Is An IEP? This is a term special needs parents will hear often. All students who are eligible for special education receive an individual education program, or IEP. The IEP is developed by a team that includes parents, professionals, and sometimes the student. A student’s IEP is reviewed at least once a year and revised as needed with parent participation. Likewise, the student’s placement is reviewed at this yearly meeting. Parents are our partners in all students’ education!


  1. How We Do It. Special education programs provide the student with education in the “least restrictive environment.” This means that the student will, when appropriate, be educated within the general education setting with the necessary supplementary aids and services.


  1. Our Programs. Programs available for special needs students include:


These special services programs are available for students from ages 5 to 21. There are also programs within the school and community that serve students from birth to age five. The goal of all these programs is to assist students in developing their abilities and skills.


  1. Special Education Report Card. You can find the latest special education report from the Oregon Department of Education below. In April of each year, Oregon Department of Education annually publishes District Special Education Report Cards. Reported indicators and targets correspond to the information in the State Performance Plan for Special Education that is required by the United States Department of Education.

 This report provides data from our district compared with state data or targets.

As Oregon schools and districts continue to face many challenges, educators remain committed to providing the highest quality education for Oregon students. This report is not meant to tell you everything about our district, but it offers a starting point for discussions about where improvement might be needed and for celebrating successes in education for Oregon’s children.

To locate Gervais School District’s Special Education Report Card follow the link below, and select the desired year, language, and then in the ‘Available Report Cards (PDF)’ section scoll to click on Gervais School District.



  1. Parental Rights. The following documents are published by the Oregon Department of Education and updated annually. These documents are intended to give parents of special needs students an understanding of their rights surrounding the education of their special needs children.


Parent Rights for Special Education, K-21 (PDF)


Parent Rights for Early Intervention (0-2 Years) & Early Childhood Special Education (3-5 Years) (PDF)


  1. Section 504 Plans. There are some students who have a disability, but the disability affects their access to the general education curriculum and/or the environment, not necessarily the learning of the material.  These students may qualify for a Section 504 Plan.  This plan is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 with prohibits discrimination based upon disability.  Effective January 2009, there were new revisions made which broaden the qualifications for disabilities.  Anyone can refer a child for evaluation under Section 504.  However, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has stated: “the school district must also have reason to believe that the child is in need of services under Section 504 due to a disability.”  Therefore, a school district does not have to refer or evaluate a child under Section 504 solely upon parental demand.
    Supporting Students with Disabilities and Avoiding the Discriminatory Use of Student Discipline under Section 504


For more information about Section 504 Plans, please contact the building guidance counselor or principal. Parents may also contact the Gervais School District 504 Coordinator, Dr. Creighton Helms.