This is a reminder that the The Gervais School District #1 School Board, Gervais, Oregon, will convene in a Regular Session at the District Office
Conference Room and via ZOOM on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. followed by an Executive Session. The
agenda for the Regular Session meeting includes, but is not limited to, the following business:
Action Items:
▪ Policy Second Reading
DH: Loss Coverage
GBL: Personnel Records
IGBB: Talented and Gifted Program
▪ Policy for Deletion
GBLA: Disclosure of Information
▪ School Calendar 2022-2023
▪ Approval of Frontier Charter Academy Budget 2022-2023
Discussion Items:
▪ Equity Lens
▪ Update on Joint Meeting with City Council
▪ Notify of Possible Reduction in Workforce-Layoff/Recall
▪ Bond Update
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 3344 5117
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Meeting ID: 875 3344 5117
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The Gervais School District #1 School Board, Gervais, Oregon, will hold an Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (2)(h)
“Consult with Legal Counsel” at the District Office Conference Room and via ZOOM online platform on Thursday, March
17, 2022, immediately following the Regular Session.