Dear Parents and Community Members,
We hope you are all able to attend this informational evening. We will be recording the events and they will be posted on our website for those who are not able to attend in-person.
June 7th—6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.—Gervais Elementary School Cafeteria—Spanish Presentation
June 7th—6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.—Gervais High School Cafeteria—English (no translation available)
Childcare provided at both sites
“Preparing for Summer: A toolkit for parents and community members designed to provide resources to help keep our young people safe”
Topics include:
- Social Media and Electronic Devices—How to have difficult conversations with your child about boundaries, how to monitor social media activities, how to block sites and what to do if you find something concerning
- The Risk of Fentanyl Use in Our Community—The district and the local police department continue to receive updates and warnings that the use of this drug is becoming more prevalent. The overdose rates are increasing and this presentation will provide you with guidance on what to look for and how to keep everyone safe. This is not just an issue involving students but all individuals who may be at risk of drug use.
- School Safety and Security—It’s a Community Effort—The Texas elementary school shootings have raised questions about Gervais School District’s ability to plan for and respond to a crisis such as this. As mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation and disconnect continue to grow not only for students but adults, the key is addressing issues before they rise to the level of violence. The district and the police department will share what measures we have in place to first prevent and then, if necessary, to respond to a crisis situation.
There will be time for Q and A.
Dandy Stevens