Gervais Elementary School Staff Portal

Check Email Via the Web

Use these instructions if…

  • You don’t have a computer set up for your use in the district
  • You are at home
  • You are at someone else’s computer in the district
  • You are outside the district
  1. Open your web browser, and either…
    1. Type in the address
    2. Or, open the main Gervais web page at, scroll down to the very bottom and click on "Staff Portal" under "Quick Links".  Then, click on the “Webmail Access” tile.
  2. Login with the same credentials you use to login to your computer at work.
  3. When you are finished looking at your email, click on your initials in the upper right corner, then click on "Sign out".
  4. Call Tracy at 503-792-3803 x5070 if you have trouble accessing your email.

Safeschools Alert Instructions for Adminstrators

  1. This 24-minute video describes the system and how you will use it as an administrator
  2. You access the system at
  3. Click on the Login button (upper right) to log in
  4. Your user name and password were sent to you by (and can be reset by) Sandra

Setup and Use Your Cisco Phone

  1. Accessing voicemail for the first time:
    • press the Messages button (looks like an envelope)
    • You will be asked for your temporary password, which is 1234
    • Then just follow the tutorial operator as directed to setup your voicemail
      • record your name (press # when finished)
      • record your greeting (press # when finished)
  2. Access your voicemail from anywhere:
    • To access voicemail from your desk phone
      • press your Messages button
      • enter your password and press #
    • To access from another phone within the district:
      • dial your extension followed by #
      • press * when the system answers
      • enter your extension followed by #
      • enter your password followed by #
    • Access your voicemail from outside of the district:
      • dial 503-792-3803
      • press * when the system answers
      • enter your extension followed by #
      • enter your password followed by #
  3. When accessing voicemail by any of the methods described above, you will hear prompts to press:
    • 1 to hear new messages
    • 2 to send a message
    • 3 to review old messages
      • 1 to review saved messages
      • 2 to review deleted messages
    • 4 to change setup options
      • 1 to change greetings
        • 1 re-record greetings
        • 2 alternate greetings
        • 3 edit other greetings
        • 4 play all greetings
      • 2 to change message settings
      • 3 to change personal settings
        • 1 change phone password
        • 2 change recorded name