Gervais Elementary School Staff Portal
- Administrative Suggestions on Field Trips
- Staff Work Calendars
- Emergency Flipchart
- Field Trip Permission Form
- English School Sponsored Activity Liability Release Form and Medical Treatment Authorization
- Spanish School Sponsored Activity Liability Release Form and Medical Treatment Authorization
- Job Descriptions
- Licensed Employee Evaluation Manual
- Oregon Child Abuse Law
- Pay Dates 2024-25
- Staff Handbook 2024-25
- 403(b) Investment Info
- 403(b) and 457(b) Universal Availability Announcement 2024
- PAID LEAVE OREGON – American Fidelity (3rd Party Provider)
- Leave Pool Information
- Report a Safety Issue to the Safety Committee
- Calendars
Check Email Via the Web
Use these instructions if…
- You don’t have a computer set up for your use in the district
- You are at home
- You are at someone else’s computer in the district
- You are outside the district
- Open your web browser, and either…
- Type in the address
- Or, open the main Gervais web page at, scroll down to the very bottom and click on "Staff Portal" under "Quick Links". Then, click on the “Webmail Access” tile.
- Login with the same credentials you use to login to your computer at work.
- When you are finished looking at your email, click on your initials in the upper right corner, then click on "Sign out".
- Call Tracy at 503-792-3803 x5070 if you have trouble accessing your email.
Safeschools Alert Instructions for Adminstrators
- This 24-minute video describes the system and how you will use it as an administrator
- You access the system at
- Click on the Login button (upper right) to log in
- Your user name and password were sent to you by (and can be reset by) Sandra
Setup and Use Your Cisco Phone
- Accessing voicemail for the first time:
- press the Messages button (looks like an envelope)
- You will be asked for your temporary password, which is 1234
- Then just follow the tutorial operator as directed to setup your voicemail
- record your name (press # when finished)
- record your greeting (press # when finished)
- Access your voicemail from anywhere:
- To access voicemail from your desk phone
- press your Messages button
- enter your password and press #
- To access from another phone within the district:
- dial your extension followed by #
- press * when the system answers
- enter your extension followed by #
- enter your password followed by #
- Access your voicemail from outside of the district:
- dial 503-792-3803
- press * when the system answers
- enter your extension followed by #
- enter your password followed by #
- To access voicemail from your desk phone
- When accessing voicemail by any of the methods described above, you will hear prompts to press:
- 1 to hear new messages
- 2 to send a message
- 3 to review old messages
- 1 to review saved messages
- 2 to review deleted messages
- 4 to change setup options
- 1 to change greetings
- 1 re-record greetings
- 2 alternate greetings
- 3 edit other greetings
- 4 play all greetings
- 2 to change message settings
- 3 to change personal settings
- 1 change phone password
- 2 change recorded name
- 1 to change greetings