Dear Families of the Gervais School District,
It has come to our attention that there may be an individual going door-to-door selling children’s books. It has been reported that he may be presenting himself as someone from the Gervais School District or representing the school district. Please be advised that this is not the case. The district has not authorized anyone to sell books.
Should you have additional questions or information, please do not hesitate to contact the district office.
Dandy Stevens
Estimadas familias del distrito escolar de Gervais,
Nos han llamado la atención que puede haber un individuo que está yendo puerta en puerta vendiendo libros para niños. Se ha informado que puede presentarse como alguien del Distrito Escolar de Gervais o en representación del distrito escolar. Tenga en cuenta que este no es el caso. El distrito no ha autorizado a nadie a vender libros.
Si tiene preguntas o información adicional, no dude en comunicarse con la oficina del distrito.
Dandy Stevens