Division 22 Assurance
Each year school districts must report to the Oregon Department of Education concerning the Division 22 standards, and to whether they are in compliance or not. On January 17, 2019, during the Regular Session, GSD Superintendent Matt Henry reported that the district is in compliance with all standards except the media programs standard. The following plan was presented to the community and School Board.
Given the small size of our district and lack of available funding, the district does not have a certificated media specialist on staff; however, our elementary building has a dedicated, classified media specialist and our middle/high buildings share a classified media specialist. The district has contacted our local ESD and consulted with a licensed media specialist to support the structure and purchases of our K-12 libraries. We have also brought in a state librarian to train high school staff on the use of OSLIS with students. We continue to strive as a district administrative team, to come into compliance with this important standard.