Contact: Maricruz Camacho

Phone: (503) 792-3803 x4224
FAX: (503) 792-3810

Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Office closed 12:30-1:30pm

Is your student new to the Gervais School District?

IF your answer is “YES”, please fill out and electronically submit the registration forms below:

SI su respuesta es “SI”, rellene y envíe electrónicamente los formularios de registro abajo:

If you need or prefer a paper copy of the registration packet, please call the Gervais Welcome Center at 503-792-3803 ext. 1022.

Once your registration packet is received you will be contacted by the Welcome Center for an appointment.

NOTE: Kindergarten

To register for kindergarten, your student must be 5 years of age on or before September 1 of the year entering school.

Is your student or are you a student returning after an absence of 10 consecutive days or more?

IF your answer is “YES”, please call the Gervais Welcome Center at 503-792-3803 ext. 1022. For a re-entry appointment.

You will need for both new student and reentry appointments:

  • Proof of residency in district – mortgage statement, utility bill, or home rental receipt/agreement.
  • Proof of date of birth – Birth certificate, hospital certificate, passport, (we cannot use Social Security Card)
  • Immunization record

The Welcome Center provides families a variety of school and community services including:

  • School registration & enrollment for all schools K-12
  • Preschool registration
  • Information regarding Special Programs: Migrant, English Language Learner, Homelessness, Pregnant and Parenting Teens, and other special programs
  • Parent involvement and parent education programs
  • Community resources such as health care and social services

For any questions about registration or services and resources please contact the Welcome Center at email or 503-792-3803 extension 1022.

Para cualquier pregunta sobre inscripciones o los servicios y recursos, póngase en contacto con el Centro de Bienvenida por correo electrónico o 503-792-3803 extensión 1022.

District Transfers

  • Resident students who move out of the Gervais School District may continue to attend school where they are presently enrolled by visiting their new resident district and filing inter-district transfer paperwork.
  • Non-resident students who would like to attend Gervais School District should contact their resident district office for their resident requirements.
  • Gervais resident students who would like to attend school in another district must be released from the Gervais School District. They may do so by completing a District Transfer Form English or Transfer Form Spanish and submitting to the Gervais School District Office located at 290 First Street Bldg. A. The Transfer Form can also be faxed to: 503-792-3809 or emailed to Submitted requests can take up to 2 weeks to process.
    • The receiving school district will be in contact with the person making the request regarding approval/denial into their district.

Inter-District Transfers

Resident students who move out of the Gervais School District may continue to attend school where they are presently enrolled by visiting their new resident district and filling out an inter-district paperwork.

Non-resident students who would like to attend Gervais School District should contact their resident district office for their resident requirements.

Gervais resident students who would like to attend another district need to first be released from Gervais School District. They may do so by completing a District Transfer Form English or Transfer Form Spanish and submitting to the Gervais School District Office located at 290 First Street Bldg. A. The Transfer Form can also be faxed to: 503-792-3809 or emailed to   Submitted requests will take approximately 2-3 weeks to process and the receiving district will be in contact regarding approval/denial.

For questions regarding transfers please contact Anfia Martushev at 503-792-3803 x5012.