Henry Bustamante

Henry Bustamante

Chair – Position 2

Term ends June, 2025

Jenny Jones

Jenny Jones

Position 5

Term ends June, 2025

Ana Contreras

Ana Contreras

Vice Chair - Position 3

Term ends June, 2025

Maria Contreras

Maria Contreras

Position 1

Term ends June 2027

Angie Toran

Angie Toran

Position 4

Term ends June, 2025

2024-2025 Board and Budget Committee Meetings

July 12—Regular Session

August 15—Regular Session

August 29—Work Session

September 19—Regular Session

October 3—Work Session

October 17--Regular Session

November 21--Regular Session

December 19--Regular Session

January 9—Work Session

January 16—Regular Session

February 20—Regular Session

March 20—Regular Session

April 10—Work Session

April 17--Regular Session

May 1—Budget Committee Meeting #1

May 8—Budget Committee Meeting #2 (if necessary)

May 15--Regular Session

June 18--Regular Session

All meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom video at the School District Conference Center located next to the District Office at 250-B 1st Street in Gervais, Oregon. Please contact Sandra Segura, Board Secretary, at 503-792-3803 x 5030 sandra_segura@gervais.k12.or.us for more information.


All Agenda Links Here

To request additional packets or for general questions, please contact Sandra Segura, Executive Secretary 503-792-3803 ext. 5030

Board Focus and Goals

2024-25 Gervais School Board Focus:

The Gervais School District Board of Directors identified the following standards as focus areas during the 2023-24 school year. These standards were identified based on a self-evaluation tool each board member filled in relation to their performance as a school board member and their overall performance as a board entity. The Oregon School Boards Association facilitated this work and reviewed areas the board identified as strengths and those areas that could use more direct attention. The board determined that they were not yet satisfied with their progress on these standards and therefore determined to devote an additional year to their efforts.

  • Standard 2 Community Engagement
    • The Board recognizes that all members of the community are stakeholders in the success of their schools.
    • The Board engages the community using a reciprocal advocacy process that creates and sustains
      meaningful conversations, system connections, and feedback loops across the breadth of their
    • The Board supports collaborative partnerships and new types and levels of community
      participation in schools.
  • Standard 10 Innovation and Creativity
    • The Board encourages innovation and creativity as assets to the process of development and change, leading to new types of thinking and better ways of meeting student needs.
    • The Board supports innovation and creativity that support district vision, values, and goals throughout the organization; engages collaborative partnerships; and encourages dialogue, new ideas, and differing perspectives.

2024-25 Gervais School Board Goals:

Goal 1:  During the 2023-24 school year, the board’s engagement with the community, especially those opportunities to meet school district residents who lived outside the city of Gervais, was a high priority and essential to passing the May 2024 general obligation bond. The board will focus on actions and services which continue to build on the opportunities for community engagement and communications between the school board and residents of the Gervais School District community.


  • The board has contracted with the Willamette ESD to secure 16 hours per week of communication services. Communication will include monthly “Good News” briefings and a newsletter every six weeks to all residents of the district as well as the use of the district’s social media
    platforms to communicate issues and topics.
  • Each board member will seek out additional opportunities for in-person engagement with the community may include focused topics as well as general information sessions which will provide platforms and opportunities for members of the community to offer input and feedback in a more informal process. Opportunities will be identified by each board member by January 2025. Feedback will be brought back to the entire board during their regular monthly meetings and shared during the “Board Focus” segment.

Goal 2:  The board will use the four goals found in the strategic plan to center all policy decisions and budgeting priorities for the purpose of supporting the accomplishment of these goals.


  • The board will receive at least quarterly updates on each goal and have the opportunity to provide feedback to staff on the progress and additional actions they would like to see taken in working toward the accomplishment of the goals.
  • The board will have dedicated time every month, either during a work session or regular board meeting, to view student achievement data and receive input from staff regarding successes and challenges.

Board Roles

  1. Select & evaluate the Superintendent for the District.
  2. Oversee & approve the budget.
  3. Monitor student progress reports.
  4. Balance the input from students, staff, and community with the requirements of the state, and budget restraints before making decisions for the school district.
  5. Make decisions in the best interest of the district as a whole – not parts of the district.
  6. Adopt district policies.
  7. Set program & curriculum guidelines and boundaries for the administrative staff.


Budget Documents

Budget Committee Members:

  • Alan Hanson
  • Karen Herinckx
  • Jenny Jones
  • David Moreno
  • Arturo Oropeza
  • Current School Board Members

Frontier Charter Academy Meeting Dates