A Message from Superintendent Dandy Stevens

Dear Gervais School District Community Members, At the July 2024 City Council meeting there were several statements made with regard to the Student Support Officer (SSO) agreement  between the City and the District. This then carried over into social media platforms that included questions with regard to the District paying bills on time and being […]

Superintendent Letter Regarding the Bond Passage

Dear Gervais Community, Thank you for your overwhelming support of Measure 24-498, the Gervais School District Bond. For the first time in 30 years, we have successfully passed a school facilities bond that will ensure our students are safe, warm, and dry. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to our students’ future. This summer, […]

Update on Post-Bond Survey Results and Board Meeting Discussions

Please see the attached letter from Superintendent Dandy Stevens: Letter from Superintendent Re Bond ENG SS Letter from Superintendent Re Bond SPAN SS   Here is the slide presentation from Patinkin Research Strategies that was shared at the Sept. 21 Board Meeting: DF.Gervais.StrategicAnalysis.BoardMeeting.091923   Here is the recording of the Sept. 21 Board Meeting:

Important Meeting this Thursday, Sept. 21

Dear Parents and Community Members, I wanted to invite you to attend either in person or via zoom this Thursday night’s school board meeting. During the board’s discussion items, they are slated to receive a presentation from a polling research firm that has results from a July survey they conducted. What is especially important about […]

FYI for Community Members

Dear Families of the Gervais School District, It has come to our attention that there may be an individual going door-to-door selling children’s books. It has been reported that he may be presenting himself as someone from the Gervais School District or representing the school district. Please be advised that this is not the case. […]

Voter Survey

Dear Community Members, This week the district will launch a telephone polling campaign designed to gather feedback and information in relation to how voters feel about many topics involving the school district including the most recent bond attempt during the May 2023 election. This will be an 18-minute survey offered in either English or Spanish. […]

Explanation of “Miscellaneous Projects” in Bond Project List

Dear Gervais Community Members, There have been some specific questions about one component of the bond project list under “Miscellaneous Projects.” People are asking for clarification on what this loan was used for and why the voters are being asked to pay for it now. History In 2013, after several failed bond attempts, the Gervais […]

District Files Lawsuit Against Social Media Platforms

Gervais Social Media Complaint   Dear Gervais Community Members, On Thursday, March 30, 2023, the Gervais School District filed a lawsuit against several social media giants. The body of the complaint is attached and posted on the school district’s website. In the last year, many of us have observed employees or former employees of various […]